Why should I care about local government? Friends of the Earth (England, Wales & Northern Ireland) 2:05 5 years ago 9 072 Далее Скачать
3 Reasons NOT To Care About Local Politics (and why you should anyway) Leeja Miller 25:28 3 months ago 73 179 Далее Скачать
Becky Boone -- "Why you should care about your local government" at Ignite Boulder 25 igniteboulder 5:16 9 years ago 6 245 Далее Скачать
Why Should You Care - Professional Local Government Managers and Your Community Life, Well Run 2:45 12 years ago 1 876 Далее Скачать
You should run for political office | Elise Partin | TEDxColumbiaSC TEDx Talks 7:33 9 years ago 59 758 Далее Скачать
The Benefits of Local Governments | Eugene Stearns | TEDxKeyBiscayne TEDx Talks 12:58 2 years ago 688 Далее Скачать
Why We Should Know Our Local Government | Hillary Schieve | TEDxReno TEDx Talks 17:02 4 years ago 3 581 Далее Скачать
Local Government: Should there be place for it in the UK constitution? LSE 13:55 9 years ago 4 499 Далее Скачать
Why Care About Local Government As Much As the National One? The Austin Common 1:36 8 years ago 20 Далее Скачать
Local Government That Works: The Council-Manager Form of Government ICMAvideos 2:22 5 years ago 70 217 Далее Скачать
Local Government: Where Democracy Goes to Live | Ryan Coonerty | TEDxSantaCruz TEDx Talks 8:29 4 years ago 47 534 Далее Скачать
Why you should care about your local elections | Abigail Burger | TEDxBGSU TEDx Talks 13:21 1 month ago 192 Далее Скачать
Care Fees and Deliberate Deprivation: Local Government and Social Care Office Guidance MP Estate Planning UK 8:46 2 years ago 972 Далее Скачать
Why you should care about the local government elections in Jamaica AngieShares TV 1:05 9 months ago 38 Далее Скачать